Greek yogurt is quite cheap here in Glasgow, which totally helps because 1. making breakfast can be a hassle sometimes 2. it's good for you...well, at least better for you than grilled cheese. Anyways, one night I really wanted to have some sort of cream sauce pasta, but I knew it would be a very bad idea if I bought a pot of heavy cream. What about yogurt? It's pretty heavy and not flavored (the Greek kind, at least) so I can do whatever I want with it! Yay for art student creativity!
I started with garlic and olive oil, as always. Broccoli went in next, then the shrimp (I always cut the backs open so the flavor seeps into the shrimpies a little more), followed by a couple of dollops of yogurt. It got a bit runny when heated, so I added some flour to give it a more creamy texture. Through many attempts, I have discovered that sifting the flour into the yogurt makes it creamier and not as chunky (flour chunks = always gross). Add some salt, pepper, sugar (negates the tangyness of the yogurt a bit), veggie stock powder, and voilĂ , dinner.
not a spaghetti kind of person...but looks like some good yums! (t)