Monday, March 1, 2010

lady grey cantucci.


So obviously I've been having a field day with this whole cantucci thing. I think I got really excited because they came out so well...and they're really fun to make/bake.

Today I attacked the "extract" concept. After copious amounts of googling, I came upon the conclusion that I would just have to wing it. Awesome!

I began with attempting to make a liquid extract. I took two lady gray tea bags and soaked them in 3ish teaspoons of hot water. I added this to a slightly modified version of the usual recipe (among other alternations, I halved the recipe in case I failed miserably). The batter didn't taste any different, really. So I continued adding dry to the wet as I thought about what to do next.

I ripped open a new bag of lady grey and sprinkled the actual tea all over the dough. It looked nice, so I just popped those kids in the oven.



  1. I've baked with Lady Grey before too; it was actually Gerry's idea to use tea instead of water and the LG was my suggestion. I think I used 2 tea bags per cup of water. How did they come out? They look nice!

  2. The liquid didn't work well, so I'm really glad I threw the leaves in. It came out really nice, actually! Slightly leafy tasting, but not bad. I can't wait to try with other teas! I think a plain earl grey would be nice so it wouldn't taste so silly with coffee.
